Badsah Prasad Azad College Of Education
Education for Teachers
The college is recognized by ERC NCTE, Bhubneshwar vide letter no. ERC/7-158.6.3/NCTE/B.Ed./2013/20332 dated23.08.2013.
B.P. Azad College of Education is affiliated with MagadhUniversity, Bodh-Gaya, Gaya (Bihar).
B.P. Azad College of Education is a primmer institution under Affiliation with Magadh University Bodh Gaya heaving world Class Infrastructure …
The working hour is 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. with half an hour recess. All students are expected to remain …
B.ED commonly known as Bachelor of Education in one year program designed for students who are eager to develop their career in teaching. This course provides them with not the basis for pursuing higher studies like M.ED & research but also an opportunity to gain a meaningful job at its earliest. B.P. Azad College of Education will prove itself as a pioneer in this field and committed to providing excellent environment & specialized faculties to students from their classroom to field and develop them in their respective areas of specialization.
Personally speaking we required such course in BIHAR to give impetus meaningful employment at an earliest, so as to bring masses into the fold of social justice and development of state. B.Ed. education course also provides window for those who wish to go for higher studies in this field.
I congratulate to all .
The programme is essentially a combination of theory and practical courses to develop knowledge , skills and attitude in practicing teachers and fresher illustration and cases of relevant situations and activities comprises the core of each paper. The core subject is suitably supported by theoretical aspects as well as practical concerns of teaching. Thus, the programme consists often papers of 100 marks each. Out of ten, there shall be seven theoretical papers and three papers are concerned with the practical aspects of teaching learning process.
We have only one Course : B.Ed. Total Course Fee : 150000/- For Two Years
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